Please make sure you provide your phone number on the booking. There is a possibility that the doctor will not be available due to urgent duties in the hospital, and your appointment may need to be rescheduled!
- Please call 02 9063 4940 to make an appointment. No appointments are provided via email.
- A referral letter from your GP or specialist with their Medicare provider number is required. Please email your referral letter before your appointment. A new referral letter will be required every 12 months.
Length of appointment
- The length appointment will very between 20 – 60 minutes.
- We charge an additional amount (gap fee) depending on the complexity of the consultation which will not be covered by Medicare.
- Payment (by debit/credit card) is required at the time of the consultation. We do not accept cash.
- We also provide online claiming with Medicare rebate (no need for you to go to Medicare office to claim money back).
- An appointment is required to discuss your child’s results
- As your child’s physiology changes and appointment will need to be made for prescriptions to ensure we continue to provide the best possible care for your child.